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The Bambusoideae is a subfamily of the true grass family Poaceae, and is characterized by having 3 stigmas and are mostly tree-like.[1] However, there are uncertainties at practically every taxonomic level within the Bambusoideae, and different types of data (floral morphology, vegetative structures, anatomy, and genetics) often result in support for differing relationships.
The Bambusoideae generally consists of a distinct “core” group of genera, the woody bamboos (Bambuseae) and an associated group of genera of questionable affinity, the herbaceous bamboos (Olyreae). The bambusoid taxa have long been considered the most “primitive” grasses, mostly because of the presence of bracteate, indeterminate inflorescences, “pseudospikelets,” and flowers with three lodicules, six stamens, and three stigmas.[2]
Taxonomy research[edit source | edit]
In a recent study [3] DNA sequences for the chloroplast gene ndhF were analyzed to address phylogenetic relationships among the major lineages of the Poaceae. They found that two tribes of neotropical herbaceous bamboo tribes, the Streptochaeteae and Anomochloeae, are resolved as the most basal clade within the grass family, confirming the hypothesis that elements within the Bambusoideae sensu lato are basal within the Poaceae, and also showing that the Bambusoideae s.l. is polyphyletic.[2] A recent study which analyzed the phylogenetic relationships within the Bambusoideae using rp116 intron sequence data from chloroplast DNA was able to further resolve some of the uncertainties remaining in Clark et al.’s (1995) analysis. Kelchner and Clark’s (1997) analysis resolved a Bambusoideae clade with two monophyletic groups: the Bambuseae (woody bamboos) and the Olyreae/Parianeae (herbaceous bamboos).[4]
Within the Bambuseae two clades were recovered corresponding to temperate and tropical woody bamboos, and the tropical taxa were even further divided into New World and Old World clades. The distinct lineages produced strongly correspond with geographic divisions, with major clades representing the New World herbaceous species (Olyreae/Parianeae), New World tropical woody bamboos, Old World tropical woody bamboos, and North temperate woody bamboos (all Bambuseae).
Subdivisions[edit source | edit]
Bambusoideae is divided into two groups:
- the Oryzodae
- the Bambusodae
Tribes[edit source | edit]
It has 13 tribes, as following:
- Oryzodae
- This group is also separated into subfamily Oryzaceae.
- Tribe Anomochloeae
- This tribe is also separated to form subfamily Anomochlooideae. There is one genus: Anomochloa.
- Tribe Diarrheneae
- There is one genus: Diarrhena.
- Tribe Ehrharteae
- There are four genera: Ehrharta, Microlaena, Petriella[citation needed], Tetrarrhena.
- Tribe Olyreae
- There are 20 genera: Agnesia, Arberella, Buergersiochloa, Cryptochloa, Diandrolyra, Ekmanochloa, Froesiochloa, Lithachne (also placed in Oryzeae), Maclurolyra, Mniochloa, Olyra (plant), Pariana, Parianella, Parodiolyra, Piresia, Piresiella, Raddia, Raddiella, Rehia, Reitzia, Sucrea.
- Tribe Oryzeae
- This tribe also forms subfamily Oryzoideae. It has 13 genera: Chikusichloa, Hydrochloa, Hygroryza, Leersia, Luziola, Maltebrunia, Oryza, Porteresia, Potamophila, Prosphytochloa, Rhynchoryza, Zizania, Zizaniopsis.
- Tribe Phaenospermatae
- There is 1 genus in this tribe: Phaenosperma.
- Tribe Phareae
- There are 4 genera: Leptaspis, Pharus, Scrotochloa, Suddia.
- Tribe Phyllorhachideae
- This tribe has 2 genera: Humbertochloa, Phyllorhachis.
- Tribe Streptochaeteae
- There is one genus: Streptochaeta.
- Tribe Streptogyneae
- This tribe only has one genus: Streptogyna.
- Bambusodae
- Tribe Bambuseae
- This tribe comprises woody bamboos (or hardy bamboos). There are 91 genera, distributed into several subtribes:
- Subtribe Arthrostylidiinae
- Comprises 13 genera: Actinocladum, Alvimia, Apoclada, Arthrostylidium, Athroostachys, Atractantha, Aulonemia (Matudacalamus), Colanthelia, Elytrostachys, Glaziophyton, Merostachys, Myriocladus, Rhipidocladum.
- Subtribe Arundinariinae
- Comprises 16 genera: Acidosasa, Ampelocalamus, Arundinaria, Borinda, Chimonocalamus, Drepanostachyum (Himalayacalamus), Fargesia, Ferrocalamus, Gaoligongshania, Gelidocalamus, Indocalamus, Oligostachyum, Pseudosasa, Sasa, Thamnocalamus, Yushania.
- Subtribe Bambusinae
- Comprises 10 genera: Bambusa (Dendrocalamopsis), Bonia (Monocladus), Dendrocalamus (Klemachloa, Oreobambos, Oxynanthera or Sinocalamus), Dinochloa, Gigantochloa, Holttumochloa, Kinabaluchloa (Maclurochloa, Soejatmia), Melocalamus, Sphaerobambos, Thyrsostachys.
- Subtribe Chusqueinae
- Comprises 2 genera: Chusquea, Neurolepis.
- Subtribe Guaduinae
- Comprises 4 genera: Eremocaulon, Guadua, Olmeca, Otatea.
- Subtribe Melocanninae
- Comprises 9 genera: Cephalostachyum, Davidsea, Leptocanna, Melocanna, Neohouzeaua, Ochlandra, Pseudostachyum, Schizostachyum, Teinostachyum.
- Subtribe Nastinae
- Comprises 6 genera: Decaryochloa, Greslania, Hickelia, Hitchcockella, Nastus, Perrierbambus.
- Subtribe Racemobambodinae
- Comprises one genus: Racemobambos (Neomicrocalamus, Vietnamosasa)
- Subtribe Shibataeinae
- Comprises 8 genera: Chimonobambusa, Indosasa, Phyllostachys, Qiongzhuea, Semiarundinaria (Brachystachyum), Shibataea, Sinobambusa, Temburongia (incertae sedis).
- Tribe Guaduelleae
- There is one genus: Guaduella.
- Tribe Puelieae
- There is one genus: Puelia.
- Tribe Bambuseae
References[edit source | edit]
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Wikispecies has information related to: Bambusoideae |
- ^ Judd, WS, CS Campbell, EA Kellogg, PF Stevens, MJ Donoghue [eds.]. 2008. Plant Systematics: A Phylogenetic Approach, 296-301. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, Massachusetts USA.
- ^ a b Clark, LG, W Zhang, JF Wendel. 1995. A Phylogeny of the Grass Family (Poaceae) Based on ndhF Sequence Data. Systematic Botany 20(4): 436-460.
- ^ (Clark et al., 1995)
- ^ Kelchner, SA, LG Clark. 1997. Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetic Utility of the Chloroplast rpl16 Intron in Chusquea and the Bambusoideae (Poaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 8(3): 385-397.
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Wikimedia Commons has media related to: Bambusoideae |
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Rights holder/Author | Wikipedia |
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Bamboos include over 1,000 species of woody, perennial grasses in more than 100 genera. Most botanists place them in the tribe Bambuseae within the grass family Poaceae, a large family of 10,000 species and at least 600 genera. Grasses range in size from small annuals (Poa annua) to towering, timber bamboo (Dendrocalamus giganteus). This is unquestionably the most important plant family, providing the majority of food for humans and their domesticated animals. The grasses are relatively recent additions to the earth's flora, having evolved only 30 to 40 million years ago, long after the demise of the dinosaurs. Vast grasslands provided food for the rising age of herbivorous mammals which in turn provided the food for a variety of carnivores. Some plants called "bamboo" are not grasses. The popular, indoor "lucky bamboo" grown hydroponically in vases of water is actually Draceana sanderana, a member of the lily family (Liliaceae). It is also placed in the agave family (Agavaceae) and dracena family (Dracenaceae) by some botanists. Heavenly bamboo (Nandina domestica) is a cultivated dicotyledonous shrub in the barberry family (Berberidaceae).
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Rights holder/Author | Noralyn Subpangan, Noralyn Subpangan |
Source | No source database. |