
TitleFile:Dragonfruit Chiayi market.jpg
English: 1=By Etsai   from en: The pitaya, also known as dragonfruit or dragon pearl is the fruit of a pitaya cactus. Native to Central and South America, the vine-like cactus is also cultivated in Southeastern Asian countries such as Malaysia, Taiwan, and Vietnam. The fruit comes in three types all with leathery, slightly leafy skin:  * Hylocereus undatus, white flesh with pink skin * Hylocereus polyrhizus, red flesh with pink skin * Selenicereus megalanthus, white flesh with yellow skin  nan|Hué-liông-kó, pinn-á tshenn-sik ê sī sik-kia, āu-piah n̂g ê sī king-tsio. 火龍果,邊仔青色的是釋迦,後壁黃的是弓蕉。
Original URLhttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9f/Dragonfruit_Chiayi_market.jpg
providerWikimedia Commons
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