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Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex P. Lawson & C. Lawson
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Cope's giant salamander is found in the Puget lowland forests along with several other western North America ecoregions. The Puget lowland forests occupy a north-south topographic depression between the Olympic Peninsula and western slopes of the Cascade Mountains, extending from north of the Canadian border to the lower Columbia River along the Oregon border. The portion of this forest ecoregion within British Columbia includes the Fraser Valley lowlands, the coastal lowlands locally known as the Sunshine Coast and several of the Gulf Islands. This ecoregion is within the Nearctic Realm and classified as part of the Temperate Coniferous Forests biome.
The Puget lowland forests have a Mediterranean-like climate, with warm, dry summers, and mild wet winters. The mean annual temperature is 9°C, the mean summer temperature is 15°C, and the mean winter temperature is 3.5°C. Annual precipitation averages 800 to 900 millimeters (mm) but may be as great as 1530 mm. Only a small percentage of this precipitation falls as snow. However, annual rainfall on the San Juan Islands can be as low as 460 mm, due to rain-shadow effects caused by the Olympic Mountains. This local rain shadow effect results in some of the driest sites encountered in the region. Varied topography on these hilly islands results in a diverse assemblage of plant communities arranged along orographically defiined moisture gradients. Open grasslands with widely scattered trees dominate the exposed southern aspects of the islands, while moister dense forests occur on northern sheltered slopes characterized by Western red cedar (Thuja plicata), Grand fir (Abies grandis), and Sword fern (Polystichum munitum) communities.
There are only a small number of amphibian taxa in the Puget lowland forests, namely: Cope's giant salamander (Dicamptodon copei); Monterey ensatina (Ensatina eschscholtzii); Long-toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum); Western redback salamander (Plethodon vehiculum); Northwestern salamander (Ambystoma gracile); Pacific chorus frog (Pseudacris regilla); Coastal giant salamander (Dicamptodon tenebrosus); Rough-skin newt (Taricha granulosa); the Vulnerable Spotted frog (Rana pretiosa); Tailed frog (Ascopus truei); and Northern red-legged frog (Rana aurora).
Likewise there are a small number of reptilian taxa within the ecoregion: Common garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis); Western terrestrial garter snake (Thamnophis sirtalis); Northern alligator lizard (Elgaria coerulea); Western fence lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis); Northwestern garter snake (Thamnophis ordinoides); Sharp-tailed snake (Contia tenuis); Yellow-bellied racer (Coluber constrictor); and Western pond turtle (Clemmys marmorata).
There are numberous mammalian taxa present in the Puget lowland forests. A small sample of these are:Creeping vole (Microtus oregoni), Raccoon (Procyon lotor), Southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris), Mink (Mustela vison), Coyote (Canis latrans), Black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus), Pallid bat (Antrozous pallidus), and Harbour seal (Phoca vitulina).
A rich assortment of bird species present in this ecoregion, including the Near Threatened Spotted owl (Strix occidentalis), Turkey vulture (Cathartes aura), Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), Blue grouse (Dendragapus obscurus), as well as a gamut of seabirds, numerous shorebirds and waterfowl.
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Trees to 72m; trunk to 2.5m diam., straight; crown broadly conic to rounded. Bark yellow- to red-brown, deeply irregularly furrowed, cross-checked into broadly rectangular, scaly plates. Branches descending to spreading-ascending; twigs stout (to 2cm thick), orange-brown, aging darker orange-brown, rough. Buds ovoid, to 2cm, fully 1cm broad, red-brown, very resinous; scale margins white-fringed. Leaves 2--5 per fascicle, spreading to erect, persisting (2--)4--6(--7) years, 7--25(--30)cm ´ (1--)1.2--2mm, slightly twisted, tufted at twig tips, pliant, deep yellow-green, all surfaces with evident stomatal lines, margins serrulate, apex abruptly to narrowly acute or acuminate; sheath 1.5--3cm, base persistent. Pollen cones ellipsoid-cylindric, 1.5--3.5cm, yellow or red. Seed cones maturing in 2 years, shedding seeds soon thereafter, leaving rosettes of scales on branchlets, solitary or rarely in pairs, spreading to reflexed, symmetric to slightly asymmetric, conic-ovoid before opening, broadly ovoid when open, 5--15cm, mostly reddish brown, sessile to nearly sessile, scales in steep spirals (as compared to Pinus jeffreyi ) of 5--7 per row as viewed from side, those of cones just prior to and after cone fall spreading and reflexed, thus well separate from adjacent scales; apophyses dull to lustrous, thickened and variously raised and transversely keeled; umbo central, usually pyramidal to truncated, rarely depressed, merely acute, or with a very short apiculus, or with a stout-based spur or prickle. Seeds ellipsoid-obovoid; body (3--)4--9mm, brown to yellow-brown, often mottled darker; wing 15--25mm.
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Rights holder/Author | Copyright © Missouri Botanical Garden |
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Throughout the range of ponderosa pine, soil moisture is the variable most often limiting growth, especially in summer when rainfall is deficient. For the east slope of the Rockies, the Black Hills, Utah, and the Southwest, however, summer rains occur, although the Southwest regularly experiences scanty May-June precipitation. In eastern Oregon and Washington, average annual precipitation ranges from 355 to 760 mm (14 to 30 in), much of it snow (30). July, August, and September are dry; average rainfall is less than 25 mm (1 in). In Montana, east of the Continental Divide, average annual precipitation in ponderosa pine forests ranges from 280 to 430 mm (11 to 17 in), with 125 to 250 mm (5 to 10 in) received during the May-to-August period (1). In the Black Hills of South Dakota, average annual precipitation is 410 to 710 mm (16 to 28 in), with up to 330 mm (13 in) received from May to August (67). In northern Arizona, 150 mm. (6 in) of the total growing season precipitation of 205 mm (8 in) occurs in July and August, after the May-June dry period. The west slope of the northern Sierra Nevada in California, where annual rainfall reaches 1750 mm (69 in), may be the wettest area supporting ponderosa pine in any quantity (13).
The extent of the seasonal rainfall deficiency is evident from the July and August precipitation, usually about 25 mm (1 in) or less; in some places, as in California, July and August precipitation is often lacking. Except on coarse-textured soils, summer showers probably provide scant moisture useful to young seedlings. Total growing season precipitation may mean little because of the distribution pattern (13).
Regardless of the location where ponderosa pine grows, average annual temperatures are between 5° and 10° C (41° and 50° F), and average July-August temperatures are between 17° and 21° C (62° and 70° F). Average frost-free seasons for ponderosa pine range from 90 to 154 days in eastern Montana and South Dakota (1,63) to more than 200 days in central California. Annual extremes are from -40° to 43° C (-40° to 110° F).
Red List Criteria
Year Assessed
1998Lower Risk/least concern (LR/lc)
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Rights holder/Author | International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources |
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Pinus ponderosa, commonly known as the ponderosa pine, bull pine, blackjack pine,[1] or western yellow pine, is a very large pine tree species of variable habitat native to the western United States and Canada. It grows in various erect forms from British Columbia southward and eastward through 16 western states and has been successfully introduced in temperate regions of Europe. It was first seen and collected in 1826 in eastern Washington near present-day Spokane. On that occasion, David Douglas misidentified it as Pinus resinosa (red pine). In 1829, Douglas concluded that he had a new pine among his specimens and coined the name Pinus ponderosa[2] for its heavy wood. In 1836, it was formally named and described by Charles Lawson, a Scottish nurseryman.[3] It is the official state tree of Montana.[4]
P. ponderosa is a large coniferous pine (evergreen) tree. The bark helps to distinguish it from other species. Mature to over-mature individuals have yellow to orange-red bark in broad to very broad plates with black crevices. Younger trees have blackish-brown bark, referred to as "blackjacks" by early loggers. Ponderosa pine's five subspecies, as classified by some botanists, can be identified by their characteristically bright, green needles (contrasting with blue-green needles that distinguish Jeffrey pine). The Pacific subspecies has the longest—19.8 cm or 7.8 in—and most flexible needles in plume-like fascicles of three. The Columbia ponderosa pine has long—12.0–20.5 cm or 4.7–8.1 in—and relatively flexible needles in fascicles of three. The Rocky Mountains subspecies has shorter—9.2–14.4 cm or 3.6–5.7 in—and stout needles growing in scopulate (bushy, tuft-like) fascicles of two or three. The Southwestern subspecies has 11.2–19.8 cm or 4.4–7.8 in, stout needles in fascicles of three (averaging 2.7–3.5). The central high plains subspecies is characterized by the fewest needles (1.4 per whorl, on average); stout, upright branches at narrow angles from the trunk; and long green needles—14.8–17.9 cm or 5.8–7.0 in—extending farthest along the branch, resembling a fox tail. Needles are widest, stoutest, and fewest (averaging 2.2–2.8) for the species.[5][6][7]
Sources differ on the scent of P. ponderosa, but it is more or less of turpentine, reflecting the dominance of terpenes (alpha- and beta-pinenes, and delta-3-carene).[8] Some state that it has no distinctive scent.[9]
The National Register of Big Trees lists a ponderosa pine that is 235 ft (72 m) tall and 324 in (820 cm) in circumference.[10] In January 2011, a Pacific ponderosa pine in the Rogue River–Siskiyou National Forest in Oregon was measured with a laser to be 268.35 ft (81.79 m) high. The measurement was performed by Michael Taylor and Mario Vaden, a professional arborist from Oregon. The tree was climbed on October 13, 2011, by Ascending The Giants (a tree climbing company in Portland, Oregon) and directly measured with tape-line at 268.29 ft (81.77 m) high.[11][12] This is now the tallest known pine. The previous tallest known pine was a sugar pine.
This species is grown as an ornamental plant in parks and large gardens.[13]
§Use in nuclear testing[edit]
During Operation Upshot–Knothole in 1953, a nuclear test was performed in which 145 ponderosa pines were cut down by the United States Forest Service and transported to Area 5 of the Nevada Test Site, where they were planted into the ground and exposed to a nuclear blast to see what the blast wave would do to a forest. The trees were partially burned and blown over.[14]
§Ecology and distribution[edit]
P. ponderosa is a dominant tree in the Kuchler plant association, the Ponderosa shrub forest. Like most western pines, the ponderosa generally is associated with mountainous topography. However, in Nebraska it is found on banks of the Niobrara River. Scattered stands occur in the Willamette Valley of Oregon and in the Okanagan Valley and Puget Sound areas of Washington. It is found in the Black Hills of South Dakota; on foothills and mid-height peaks of the northern, central, and southern Rocky Mountains; in the Cascade Range; in the Sierra Nevada; and in the maritime-influenced Coast Range. In Arizona, it predominates on the Mogollon Rim and is scattered on the Mogollon Plateau and on mid-height peaks in Arizona and New Mexico. It does not extend into Mexico.[15]
The fire cycle for ponderosa pine is 5 to 10 years, in which a natural ignition sparks a low-intensity fire.[16]
P. ponderosa needles are the only known food of the caterpillars of the gelechiid moth Chionodes retiniella.[17]Blue stain fungus, Grosmannia clavigera, is introduced in sapwood of P. ponderosa from the galleries of all species in the genus Dendroctonus.
Modern forestry research has identified five different taxa of P. ponderosa, with differing botanical characters and adaptations to different climatic conditions. Four of these have been termed "geographic races" in forestry literature. Some botanists historically treated some races as distinct species. In modern botanical usage, they best match the rank of subspecies and have been formally published.[5][6]
- Pinus ponderosa subsp. critchfieldiana Robert Z. Callaham subsp. novo (Pacific ponderosa pine)
- Range & climate: western coastal parts of Washington State; Oregon west of the Cascade Range except for the southward-extending Umpqua–Tahoe Transition Zone; California except for both that transition zone and the Transverse-Tehahchapi Mountains Transition zone in southern California and Critchfield's far Southern California Race. Mediterranean hot, dry summers in California; mild wet winters with heavy snow in mountains.
- P. ponderosa subsp. ponderosa Douglas ex C. Lawson – (Columbia ponderosa pine).
- Range & climate: southeast British Columbia, eastern Washington State and Oregon east of the Cascade Range, Arizona, northwestern Nevada, Idaho and west of the Helena, Montana, transition zone. Cool, relatively moist summers; very cold, snowy winters (except in the very hot and very dry summers of central Oregon, most notably near Bend, which also has very cold and generally dry winters).
- P. ponderosa subsp. scopulorum (Engelm. in S.Watson) E. Murray, Kalmia 12:23, 1982 (Rocky Mountains ponderosa pine).
- Range & climate: east of the Helena, Montana, transition zone, North & South Dakota, but not the central high plains, Wyoming, Nebraska, northern and central Colorado and Utah, and eastern Nevada. Warm, relatively dry summers; very cold, fairly dry winters.
- Pinus ponderosa subsp. brachyptera Engelm. (Southwestern ponderosa pine)
- Range & climate: Four corners transition zone including southern Colorado, southern Utah, northern and central New Mexico and Arizona, westernmost Texas, and a single disjunct population in the far northwestern Oklahoma panhandle.[18] The Gila Wilderness contains one of the world's largest and healthiest forests.[19] Hot with bimodal monsoonal rainfall; wet winters and summers contrast with dry springs and falls; mild winters.
- Pinus ponderosa subsp. readiana Robert Z. Callaham subsp. novo (Central High Plains ponderosa pine)
- Range & climate: southern South Dakota and adjacent northern Nebraska and far eastern Colorado, but neither the northern and southern high plains nor the Black Hills, which are in subsp. scopulorun. Hot, dry, very windy summers; continental cold, wet winters.
Distributions of the subspecies in the United States are shown in shadow on the map. Distribution of ponderosa pine is from Critchfield and Little.[20] The closely related 5-needled Arizona pine (Pinus arizonica) extends southward into Mexico.
Before the distinctions between the North Plateau race and the Pacific race were fully documented, most botanists assumed that ponderosa pines in both areas were the same. When a botanist and a geneticist from California found in 1948 a distinct tree on Mt. Rose in western Nevada with some marked differences from the ponderosa pine they knew in California, they described it as a new species, Washoe pine Pinus washoensis. However, subsequent research proved this to be merely one of the southern-most outliers of the typical North Plateau race of ponderosa pine.[5]:30–31[21][22][23]
An additional variety, tentatively named P. ponderosa var. willamettensis, found in the Willamette Valley in western Oregon, is rare.[24] This is likely just one of the many islands of Pacific subspecies of ponderosa pine occurring in the Willamette Valley and extending north to the southeast end of Puget Sound in Washington.
§Distinguishing subspecies[edit]
The subspecies of P. ponderosa can be distinguished by measurements along several dimensions:[5]:23–24[6]:17
Common name | Pacific | Columbia | Rocky Mountains | Southwestern | Central High Plains |
Scientific name | critchfieldiana | ponderosa | scopulorum | brachyptera | readiana |
Years needles remain green | 3.9±0.25, N=30 | 4.7±0.14, N=50 | 5.7±0.28, N=23 | 4.3±0.18, N=24 | 4.7±0.18, N=5 |
Foliage length on branch (cm) | 25.1±2.4, N=30 | 26.2±2.2, N=50 | 21.1±1.7, N=23 | 21.8±2.7, N=24 | 42.2±6.7, N=5 |
Needle length (cm) | 19.8±0.44, N=30 | 16.8±0.29, N=48 | 11.2±0.27, N=23 | 14.7±0.45, N=24 | 15.6±0.57, N=5 |
Needles per fascicle | 3.0±0.00, N=30 | 3.0±0.00, N=48 | 2.6±0.06, N=23 | 3.0±0.03, N=24 | 2.4±0.11, N=5 |
Needle thickness | 45.9±0.49, N=30 | 47.8±0.51, N=48 | 46.4±0.68, N=23 | 44.8±0.87, N=24 | 49.7±0.61, N=5 |
Branches per whorl | 4.4±0.13, N=30 | 3.7±0.11, N=50 | 3.0±0.17, N=23 | 3.4±0.25, N=23 | 2.3±0.11, N=5 |
Branch angle (° from vertical) | 56±1.8, N=30 | 51±1.7, N=50 | 50±2.3, N=23 | 48±3.1, N=24 | 36±1.9, N=5 |
Seed cones length (mm) | 101.4±2.48, N=25 | 88.7±1.24, N=36 | 70.7±2.20, N=22 | 74.9±2.51, N=20 | 71.1±2.46, N=5 |
Seed cones width (mm) | 77.1±1.35, N=25 | 71.6±0.73, N=36 | 61.5±1.08, N=22 | 62.6±1.77, N=20 | 63.3±2.18, N=5 |
Seed cone form W/L | 0.80±0.03, N=25 | 0.84±0.03, N=36 | 0.90±0.02, N=22 | 0.86±0.02, N=20 | 0.90±0.03, N=5 |
Seed length (mm) | 7.5±0.08, N=23 | 7.6±0.16, N=14 | 6.3±0.09, N=17 | 6.4±0.18, N=16 | 7.0±0.12, N=5 |
Seed width (mm) | 4.9±0.05, N=23 | 4.9±0.08, N=14 | 4.1±0.05, N=17 | 4.3±0.09, N=16 | 4.5±0.10, N=5 |
Seed + wing length (mm) | 32.3±0.58, N=23 | 24.8±0.62, N=14 | 22.9±0.63, N=17 | 23.3±0.68, N=15 | 23.1±0.78, N=5 |
Mature cone color[25] | apple green to yellow green | green & red-brown to dk. purple | green & red-brown to dk. purple | green & red-brown to dk. purple |
Names of taxa and transition zones are on the map.
Numbers in columns were derived from multiple measurements of samples taken from 10 (infrequently fewer) trees on a varying number of geographically dispersed plots.
Numbers in each cell show calculated mean ± std. error and number of plots.
- ^ Moore, Gerry; Kershner, Bruce; Craig Tufts; Daniel Mathews; Gil Nelson; Spellenberg, Richard; Thieret, John W.; Terry Purinton; Block, Andrew (2008). National Wildlife Federation Field Guide to Trees of North America. New York, New York: Sterling. p. 89. ISBN 1-4027-3875-7.
- ^ Lauria, F. (1996). The identity of Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex C. Lawson (Pinaceae). Linzer Biologische Beitraege.
- ^ The agriculturist's manual: being a familiar description of agricultural plants cultivated in Europe. Edinburgh U.K.: William Blackwood and Sons. 1836.
- ^ Dickson, Tom. "Ponderosa Pine". Montana Outdoors. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks. Retrieved February 18, 2015.
- ^ a b c d Callaham, Robert Z. (September 2013). "Pinus ponderosa: A Taxonomic Review with Five Subspecies in the United States" (PDF). USDA Forest Service PSW RP-264.
- ^ a b c Callaham, Robert Z. (September 2013). "Pinus ponderosa: Geographic Races and Subspecies Based on Morphological Variation" (PDF). USDA Forest Service PSW RP-265.
- ^ Eckenwalder, James (2009). Conifers of the World. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press. ISBN 9780881929744.
- ^ Smith, Richard H. (1977). Monoterpenes of ponderosa pine in Western United States. USDA Forest Service. Tech. Bull. 1532.
- ^ Schoenherr, Allan A. (1995). A Natural History of California. University of California Press. p. 111.
- ^ "Pacific ponderosa pine". National Register of Big Trees. American Forests.
- ^ Gymnosperm Database - Pinus Ponderosa benthamiana
- ^ Fattig, Paul (January 23, 2011). "Tallest of the tall". Mail Tribune (Medford, Oregon). Retrieved January 27, 2011.
- ^ "Pinus ponderosa". RHS Plant Selector. Retrieved July 1, 2013.
- ^ Finkbeiner, Ann (May 31, 2013). "How Do We Know Nuclear Bombs Blow Down Forests?". Retrieved May 31, 2013.
- ^ Perry, JP Jr. (1991). Pines of Mexico and Central America. Portland, Oregon: Timber Press.
- ^ Stecker, Tiffany; ClimateWire (March 22, 2013). "U.S. Starts Massive Forest-Thinning Project". Scientific American. Retrieved April 19, 2014.
- ^ Furniss, RL; Carolin, VM (1977). Western Forest Insects. US Department of Agriculture Forest Service. p. 177. Miscellaneous Publication 1339.
- ^ "Pinus ponderosa, ponderosa pine". Catalog of the Woody Plants of Oklahoma. Oklahoma Biological Survey.
- ^ "Arizona Mountains forests". Terrestrial Ecoregions. World Wildlife Fund.
- ^ Critchfield, WB; Little, EL (1966). Geographic distribution of the pines of the world. USDA Forest Service. Miscellaneous Publication 991, p. 16 (Map 47).
- ^ Haller, JR (1961). "Some recent observations on ponderosa, Jeffrey, and Washoe pines in northeastern California". Madroño 16: 126–132.
- ^ Haller, JR (1965). "Pinus washoensis: taxonomic and evolutionary implications". Amer. Jour. Of Botany 52: 646.
- ^ Lauria, F (1997). "The taxonomic status of (Pinus washoensis) H. Mason & Stockw". Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 99B: 655–671.
- ^ Ryan, Catherine (March 19, 2012). "Loggers give unique Oregon ponderosa pine a lifeline". High Country News (Paonia, Colorado). Retrieved March 28, 2012.
- ^ Smith, R. H. (1981). "Variation in cone color of immature ponderosa pine (Pinaceae) in northern California and southern Oregon". Madroño 28: 272–275.
- Chase, J. Smeaton (1911). Cone-bearing Trees of the California Mountains. Chicago, Illinois: A. C. McClurg & Co. p. 99. LCCN 11004975. OCLC 3477527. LCC QK495.C75 C4, with illustrations by Carl Eytel - Kurut, Gary F. (2009), "Carl Eytel: Southern California Desert Artist", California State Library Foundation, Bulletin No. 95, pp. 17-20 (PDF), retrieved November 13, 2011
- Conifer Specialist Group (1998). Pinus ponderosa. 2006. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN 2006. Retrieved on May 12, 2006.
- Conkle, MT; Critchfield, WB (1988). "Genetic variation and hybridization of ponderosa pine". In Baumgartner, DM; Lotan, JE. Ponderosa pine the species and its management. Cooperative Extension, Washington State University. pp. 27–44.
- Critchfield, WB (1984). "Crossability and relationships of Washoe Pine". Madroño 31: 144–170.
- Critchfield, WB; Allenbaugh, GL (1965). "Washoe pine on the Bald Mountain Range, California". Madroño 18: 63–64.
- Farjon, A (2005). Pines (2nd ed.). Leiden & Boston: Brill. ISBN 90-04-13916-8.
- Haller, JR (1962). "Variation and hybridization in ponderosa and Jeffrey pines". Univ. Of Calif. Pub. In Botany 34 (2): 123–166.
- Haller, JR (1965). "The role of 2-needle fascicles in the adaptation and evolution of ponderosa pine". Brittonia 17 (4): 354–382. doi:10.2307/2805029. JSTOR 2805029.
- Haller, JR; Vivrette, NJ (2011). "Ponderosa pine revisited". Aliso 29 (1): 53–57. doi:10.5642/aliso.20112901.07.
- Lauria, F (1991). "Taxonomy, systematics, and phylogeny of Pinus subsection Ponderosae Loudon (Pinaceae). Alternative concepts". Linzer Biol. Beitr 23 (1): 129–202.
- Lauria, F (1996). "The identity of Pinus ponderosa Douglas ex C.Lawson (Pinaceae)". Linzer Biol. Beitr 28 (2): 999–1052.
- Lauria, F (1996). "Typification of Pinus benthamiana Hartw. (Pinaceae), a taxon deserving renewed botanical examination". Ann. Naturhist. Mus. Wien 98 (B Suppl.): 427–446.
- Mirov, NT (1929). "Chemical analysis of the oleoresins as a means of distinguishing Jeffrey pine and western yellow pine". Jour. of Forestry 27: 176–187.
- Van Haverbeke, DF (1986). Genetic variation in ponderosa pine: A 15-Year Test of provenances in the Great Plains. USDA Forest Service. Research Paper RM-265.
- Wagener, WW (1960). "A comment on cold susceptibility of ponderosa and Jeffrey pines". Madroño 15: 217–219.
§External links[edit]
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Cultivated. Henan (Jigong Shan), Jiangsu (Nanjing Shi), Jiangxi (Lu Shan), Liaoning [native to W North America]
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Rights holder/Author | Copyright © Missouri Botanical Garden |
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The Willamette Valley Ponderosa Pine is a variant of the Ponderosa Pine native to the Willamette Valley in the Northwestern United States. It is adapted for Western Oregon's wet winter and dry summer.[citation needed]
The Willamette Valley ponderosa variant only grows on the valley floor, unlike the Douglas fir, which grows on hillsides, and the wood is softer and easier to mill than the native hardwoods.[1] Because of this, when early settlers used wood from the trees to build homes and cleared land for agriculture, the variant's population was "decimated".[1] Prior to restoration efforts, the pine survived only in scattered stands between Hillsboro and Cottage Grove.[1] The Lewis's woodpecker and the slender-billed nuthatch (a subspecies of the white-breasted nuthatch) nest in the tree and rely on it for food–their populations were reduced along with that of the pine.[1]
- ^ a b c d Ryan, Catherine (March 28, 2012). "Loggers Give Unique Oregon Ponderosa Pine a Lifeline". High Country News. Retrieved March 12, 2015.
§External links[edit]
- The Nature of Cedar Mill: Willamette Valley Ponderosa Pine
- Ponderosa Returns to the Willamette Valley
- Bark Beetles and Willamette Valley Ponderosa Pine: Populations, Geographical Distribution and Management Recommendations
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Pinaceae -- Pine family
William W. Oliver and Russell A. Ryker
Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa), also called western yellow pine, is one of the most widely distributed pines in western North America. A major source of timber, ponderosa pine forests are also important as wildlife habitat, for recreational use, and for esthetic values. Within its extensive range, two varieties of the species currently are recognized: Pinus ponderosa var. ponderosa (Pacific ponderosa pine) (typical) and var. scopulorum (Rocky Mountain ponderosa pine) (10). Arizona pine (P. arizonica), sometimes classified as a variety of ponderosa pine (12,36,51), is presently recognized as a separate species (45).
Site preparation is needed to control competition, which compromises seedling survival and growth. Seeds are sown in late March to early April. The seed is sown for an initial density of 237 seedlings/m2 (22 seedlings/ft2). Transplant stock should be one or two years old, with less than 2 prior transplantings, and 15 to 30 cm in height. Space the plants 1 to 3 m apart depending on the site.
Initial seedling survival is reduced under moisture stress. Older seedlings can tolerate limited moisture. Competition from other vegetation should be controlled for the first three to six years until the trees become well established.